Our Story

Where do i start, well I tell you . . . I'll start at the beginning.

As all of American was still recovering from the depression. The Robert E Callaway family was digging deep to plant themselves firmly in East Texas. Back then in early 1938, they were just starting out with a handful of milk cows, some pigs, and a bunch of egg laying hens. While building a farm out of raw timber land and feeding a family required all the resources they could pull together. They fed their family on crops of peas, sold milk and peddled eggs on weekends in the nearest town for cash, and butchered a calf and smoked a hog in fall. Just keeping the family of 6 fed was a full time job and the start of a multi-generational love of life on the farm.

The work was, and still is, harder than most of America wanted, but for them it was a dream realized. They started what is today, a deep appreciation of the land and the animals we rely upon to raise our family in the farmlands that feed America. Through the nearly 100 years, the Callaway family has worked long, hard hours keeping the farm equipment operational, repairing fences, and making the most of each years harvest.  All the while educating themselves and improving the land and cattle for the next generation.

In 2006, we expanded with our own herd of 50 angus cows. Since that time our farm has focused on quality beef that requires less input and more natural vigor, grazing on a mix of grasses and raising calves with little to no human intervention each and every year. Selecting for cattle that are naturally parasite resistant and have denser hair coats to repel disease carrying insects.  All traits that help us to produce healthier beef with little to no intervention. Benefits both the health of the cattle and ultimately the quality of the product we strive to offer.

Today as the 5th generation of Callaway children begin to enter the work force, they too have a deep respect for family, land, and animals that have provided a good life. They know that a growing world population depend on the farmers of the world. Many might argue that our children have endured too much, worked too hard as farm kids. But I disagree, I believe these girls value life and hard work much like their father. They are growing up in an age where man is more aware of our footprint, making them both more gentle and stronger people. Watching baby calves come into the world and the older pass on. The natural ebb and flow of life is on view daily on the farm. So from a young age they have grown to appreciate the cattle and all they that provide our family. 

Today we are but one of fewer, small family farms facing a ever popular push to sell to big developers and take an easier path. Yet challenges that the farmer faces today aren't new, just modernized. So as the world population expands and the need for more and more hard working men and women grows. We will work hard to continue to provide quality foods to the greater world needs. We are proud to serve our community.

From our table to your table, 

The Callaway Family